Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Republican Ticket: Cheeto and The Porch Light

So! The Republican ticket for the 2024 election is set. Their presidential candidate, chosen more or less by acclamation by the reactionaries in attendance at the convention, has annointed the next target for the mob -- a fate that has thus far awaited all his vice-presidents -- Ohio senator J.D. Vance, best known for writing a book about what's wrong with the hicks in Appalachia, and for being super-rich and tied in to the super-rich.

J.D. Vance. Wow.

Who is this guy?

For those of us who don't live in or near Ohio and so don't pay much attention to their politics, Vance is the guy who 

said he would rather vote for his dog or a Democrat than for Trump. [Vance] also then referred to Trump as a “total fraud,” a “moral disaster,” “reprehensible,” an “idiot,” “cultural heroin,” “unfit for our nation’s highest office,” “a cynical as**ole” and “America’s Hitler.” 

Since that time, of course, Vance has apologised to the frothy-mouthed wing of the party and kissed the Don's ring. Don Jr, ever the best judge of character, likes him.

So the Cheeto has chosen as his running mate one of those color-changing LED porch-light bulbs that you get for holiday nights. Fine.