Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Just Wondering...

 Like most people, I've been sort of following Russia's war of conquest in Ukraine this past week. I have no military experience, and I don't really know what things are like over there. But I've been fascinated by the week-long saga of the "40-mile-long convoy" approaching Kyiv from the north. Satellite photographs of the slow-moving gaggle of Russian trucks, tanks and other military vehicles have been all over the internet and the news since it started. I heard one American military expert say that the vehicles have to stick to the roads because the ground is not "frozen hard" as it normally is this time of year, and it won't support the great weight of these Russian vehicles.

 So I'm wondering, how come the Ukrainians haven't tossed some anti-tank weapons in the back of a Land Rover or some other off-road vehicle, and driven out there, and destroyed some of these vehicles? I mean, it just seems like (a) everybody knows where they are, and (b) they're moving really slowly. Seems like a few excursions to put two or three of the leading vehicles out of action would block the road for a time and bring the already leisurely advance of the column to a complete halt. It seems like it ought to be a turkey shoot.

 I'm sure there are reasons why this hasn't happened. Or maybe it has, and nobody has reported it. But I sure would like to hear an explanation of why it hasn't. Hell, if that sort of invading column were creeping down US 36, advancing on Denver, you know the fields either side of the road would be full of good ol' boys in Jeeps and on ATVs taking turns blowing up a tank here, an armoured personnel carrier there. I know from previous reporting that Ukraine has the sort of weapons needed -- some of them, anyway. Why haven't we seen video of Russian soldiers trying to push destroyed tanks off the roadway?

 I'd just really like an explanation.