Thursday, July 11, 2024

A Modest Proposal

 The Supreme Court, seemingly determined to force US law back to a time before FDR's court-packing scheme, has decided that the President is not to be accountable for any "official" action taken during his tenure in office, even after he leaves that office. The Court's radical-right majority evidently believes that no one in their right mind would take the sort of actions that the Maga Cheeto is propounding in tweets and speeches; and they're not worried about him, even though he's not in his right mind, because, of course, he only threatens people they don't like anyway.

 Maybe ol' Sleepy Joe should surprise them, by embracing their ruling while he still has a majority in the Senate. Maybe he should order the FBI or whoever one would order to do such things inside the territory of the United States, to shoot the six members of the Court that moved such abominable actions outside the scope of the law's review. He could then quickly nominate six replacements and get them confirmed, and the entire court could then revisit the question. Having taken this action -- this official action -- in furtherance of his obligation to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution from the sort of unprincipled interpretation that produced such a ludicrous holding (not to mention a score of other, similarly unprincipled interpretations of the law), the Court would then be able to overrule itself, and return us to the rule of law. Of course, since Biden's official action was performed while immunity was in force, he wouldn't be subject to any accountability for that.

 I'd say that's a win-win. And if he were to take out the big Cheeto too, well, that'd just be the icing on the cake. And I couldn't object if he were to deal with a few of Putin's Senators, too.

/s, with apologies to Jonathan Swift