Sunday, February 13, 2011

What's Wrong

Here's an example of what's wrong with news coverage in our society: The BBC reports today that comments  by the Irish singer Bono about a folk song are raising hackles in South Africa, because it includes the lyric "Shoot the Boer." ("Boer" is the Afrikaans word for farmer; it's also been used historically to distinguish settlers of Dutch ancestry from those of British ancestry, hence the Boer War; it also, according to this story, is used as a derogatory term for white people in general.) There is a push to get the song banned as hate speech -- something that is increasingly common in countries where there is no guarantee of free speech. 

Far down in the story is mention of the fact that "Since apartheid was banned in 1994, more than 3,000 white farmers have been murdered." 

I wonder why that fact hasn't gotten more attention in the world?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Technology Saves Us Again

Tired of sitting through those tedious, start-stop Super Bowl football games just to see the inventive and entertaining commercials? Now you can see all the commercials, one after another, without the twelve minutes of football dribbled in between like glitter on a pumpkin patch.

Finally, technology worth having.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dear Terri Hendrix...

I received a comment from Terri Hendrix, the singer-songwriter, in response to the review I wrote of her show at the Little Carver Center last month. Before putting it up on this blog, and responding to it, I wanted to ask her to re-read the review. 

Unfortunately, I don't have a way to contact her in reply. So: Ms Hendrix, if you happen across this post as you did my review, please confirm that you don't think you mis-read my post, and that you still feel as you did in that comment.